Rants. raves and ramblings from celestial circles . . .

Posts tagged ‘mental health’


Empathy and understanding are rare commodities nowadays. Empathy and compassion have been redefined under the woke banner. They don’t exist. I can empathize with those living in fear. But I cannot condone their self imposed slavery to ignorance.

We crossed the line years ago. Mental health challenged individuals far outnumber healthy mentally stable people. When you live a lie every day and live in an illusive world, mental instability is a given. Television, radio, magazines and popular culture have done that. Oh, and let’s not forget the lies of the many religions.

Add to that the addiction to psychotic drugs, leisure drugs, and chemicals in our air, food and water. We have become a society of genetic mutants. There is no reverse gear. There is no ’fixing it’. This is our future. We are stuck with it. We have stagnated and we are living through a true devolution. Enjoy the ride. You built it.

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