Rants. raves and ramblings from celestial circles . . .

Posts tagged ‘islam’





A pagan killed a Jew

A pagan killed a Christian

A Jew killed a Christian

A Christian killed a Jew

A Muslim killed a Christian

A Jew killed a Muslim

A Muslim killed a Jew

A Christian killed a Muslim.


They all bowed to pray

to the same ignorant God

with deaf ears

and a passion for killing.


Dear God forgive them.




circa October 2001





I have spent a considerable amount of time in the past months studying the Biblical texts that were not included in the Bible. The easiest way to look at the spiritual importance of God and Christ is in terms of the First Covenant and the Second Covenant. The First Covenant was the revelation of the Ten Commandments. The Ten Commandments were restrictive guidelines to live by.

The Second Covenant was the Coming of Christ. Whether you see Jesus Christ as a physical presence that lived on the Earth 2000 years ago, or a symbolic representation of a prophet. It is generally understood his message was ‘love’. So the Second Covenant was the message of love. His message of love was revolutionary because at the time of the Romans, and even before . . . daily life was kill or be killed.

The First Covenant gave humanity restrictive guidelines to live by. These values were not much different then the Native American virtues. These values are thousands of years old and do not change ever! The Second Covenant was NOT restrictive. It was the message of love. It isn’t that the Second Covenant supersedes the First Covenant. It is not a replacement. It is a message clarifying the Word of God. Everything in the Ten Commandments are representative of love. The message of Christ was LOVE. The Word of God is LOVE.

All of the major religions, Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, have been fostering a lie for thousands of years now. Christ taught by example. His followers included women such as Mary Magdalene. My friends that know me have heard me relay this message before. After Christ died, Mary Magdalene told the other Apostles that she was given a teaching that Christ did not share with the other Apostles. The other Apostles did not believe her and would not hear her. There is an important teaching there, too.

One of the Apostles convinced the others to hear her out. She then shared the teaching with the other Apostles. Christ’s message was ‘to teach others how to teach enlightenment’. Read that again. It was not how to teach enlightenment. It was teaching others ‘how’ to teach enlightenment. This was the first most important revelation in my life just ten or so years ago, after all of my years of Catholic upbringing and studying philosophies and religions.

The important significance of the two Covenants of God was my own personal most important second revelation just a few months ago. The life of Christ was a message of inclusion. Christ was inclusive of women as equal in the ministry of his teachings and of the Word of God. This has not been the general practice of Judaism since inception. This was not the practice of Christianity after the Council of Nicaea. In fact it was the opposite. They eradicated any symbolism or text where women where shown to be equal in the ministry of God and Christ.

Islam has always included these restrictions for women. There is only one woman mentioned by name in the Koran. She is Mary, mother of Jesus. Two entire chapters of the Koran are named after her and speak of her. It is important to understand at this point that the Koran is much like the New and Old Testament Bibles. In fact, parts of the Koran are based on the Judaic and the Christian Bible. While all three have gems of truth, knowledge and teachings, they were all written by men. And as such, many of the edicts, fatwa’s, doctrines and traditions were written by men or religious groups or churches with the specific goal of controlling others or the behavior of others.

Which brings me back to the topic of forgiveness and repentance. The Catholic Church early on, and hence, Christianity, focused on Christ’s death on the cross as a form of repentance and forgiveness for original sin. These Christian concepts, along with the idea of resurrection, are all concepts of the early Church, written to gain favors for the early Popes and Bishops. And to reign strict control over followers of Christianity. But let me be clear here. This was not the belief of the earliest Christians. Which were later considered heretics by the Church.

Which leads me to my final point. Christianity as dictated by the Churches, focuses on the dogma surrounding the death of Christ, forgiveness for original sin through the knowledge and belief in Christ, Resurrection, and Ascension into heaven. Many religions believe in a second coming, or the future arrival of a great prophet. My personal belief is Christ never died on the cross. I believe in the Living Christ. Here on Earth right now through others and through love.

Unlike the Christian Doctrine, I do not believe you have to ‘know and believe’ in Christ to attain a paradise in heaven. Good people that know and share love, in even the most remote areas of the world that have never heard of Christ, are just as welcome in the paradise of life after death. In fact, Christ’s own beliefs are in actuality more akin to the Buddhist and Eastern concepts of atonement of the soul and reincarnation.

So the answer is LOVE. It will never give you a strict code of regulation on what you should or should not forgive. It is the flexibility of the Second Covenant that gives you the decisive conscience to make decisions based on the First and Second Covenant. The Word of God as revealed by the Ten Commandments, and love, as taught by Christ in the Second Covenant.

f j llorente






It is easier to understand if you refer to it as the First Covemant and the Second Covenant. The books of the Old Testament were the First Covenant. The Covenant of Moses, Abraham, God, and His people with the promise of the Arc and the guidance of the Ten Commandments.

The Second Covenant was the coming of Christ. The New Testament.

And the Old Testament is not complete. There are still stories and writings buried somewhere in the Earth. It is a Living Bible. As is the New Testament. The New Testament is a simple message. The message of love. At a time when all was Barbarians and Romans killing each other.

So the Second Covenant was a message of love. Whereas the First Covenant (the Ten Commandments) were strict guidelines of behaviour, the Second Covenant was not so much strict guidelines, as it was a much broader guidance to live by.

Reading more of the texts excluded at The Council of Nicaea, we find the true secondary message of the Second Covenant. This was a most recent Epiphany for me (the second major Epiphany in a decade or so). This is also where all three churches have been lying to everyone for thousands of years now. Including Islam, which although a much more recent belief system, is based on both the Old and New Testament.

Women were an essential force in the Ministry of Christ. The Church Council buried this fact in their male dominated Saviour concept. Women were relegated to second string. As they had been in much of Talmudic and Judaic Law. And certainly are in Islamic practice. As well as in Hindi beliefs

The male/female identity of God is accepted in Hindi, but not so much in others. Mary Magdalene was an Apostle of the Teachings of Christ. The Teaching she received from Christ was not shared with the other Apostles. See this allegorically if you must.

After Christ died, her mission was to reveal the Teaching to the Apostles. None of the Apostles believed Christ had revealed a distinct message to her which they themselves did not receive. One of the Apostles spoke up for her and asked the others to hear her out. There is an important Teaching in this also.

The most important Teaching of course was love. But the New Testament (as it is now) and the Church, focus on the redemption of original sin and the miracle of the Resurrection after death. Hence, Christ as the Saviour of our souls and the promise of eternal life.

On these two points they seemed to have confuscated the message. Christ’s message of love IS the redemption. Live by the message of love and you have fulfilled the Second Covenant (the New Testament). The Old Testament was still important, but the message of the New Covenant had precedence because it was all the more inclusive.

The Council of Nicaea put a chokehold on Christianity that is still held taut by most Christian sects. Confession, Resurrection after death, eternal life through redemption . . . all are based on Church Doctrine, not so much on the Spiritual Teachings of love.

Redemption and Resurrection are actually Buddhist and Hindi Teachings, as well as present in other ancient belief systems. Reincarnation.

The message Mary Magdalene was given by Christ to share with the apostles after his death was much less complex. In so many ways just as important as the message of love. In fact, they are inexorably entwined.

It had little to do with Confession, redemption or Resurrection. All are submissive Church Doctrines.


Her message was to learn to teach others how to teach enlightenment.








I have been living mostly in the Middle East for the past five years. My home and family are in the USA. I calmly listen to the mostly uninformed opinions, both right and left, of my friends and family back home. I post my responses and my tidbits of personal experience and insight for them on social media. Their experience of the world is CNN, Fox, MSNBC, the mainstream outlets or NPR and PBS. A few of them may have ventured on vacation to a resort in Mexico or the Caribbean, and even fewer may have ever been to Europe or another country outside of North America.

There is ignorance and hate across the Middle East. Just as there is ignorance and hatred in parts of Africa, Asia, Europe, the Balkans, South America, Central America and North America, including the USA. There are groups of extremists in almost all Muslim countries. Some governments are much stricter than others. There are other Muslims that aren’t violent extremists. But they do accept what I consider to be the ignorant and superstitious Islamic beliefs that condone violence against others, including women and children and members of their own families.

I consider any Muslim that still believes in the extreme forms of punishment, or the disrespect of the rights of women and children, to be an accomplice to an ignorant abomination . . . of any religion. And actually, it is no religion at all. It is not a religion or belief system that the God I know would approve of. There are many more millions of Muslims you never hear about. They are the ones that live in the peaceful areas of many countries and they live their lives much like you and I. Without all the extreme idiocy the media is so quick to focus on. They work hard day in and day out to feed and clothe their families. And to provide a safe roof over their heads so their children can do the same for their own families someday.

Yet, we must never stop reporting on the ignorance and hatred, including the ignorance and hatred of extremist Muslims in Europe, America and other predominantly non-Muslim countries. They have to be called out every day. Most important, other Muslims need to raise their voices and communicate to the ignorant and superstitious Muslims, that Islam needs to live peacefully with all the other religions of this Earth. This must be the priority, the goal and the destiny of the religion. As it always should be.

At the same time, Western leaders should never deny the fact that there are violent Muslims and also other Muslim extremists that are a constant danger to all of the rest of the world. They must understand that when Islamic communities are isolated within Western countries and allowed to do whatever they want, there will be hatred, extremism and violence. You can not throw two radically different culturally, economically and religious groups together and expect them to peacefully integrate within a single decade. This productive peaceful integration will often take decades and in some historical cases throughout the world, centuries. Education is always the most powerful weapon we have against ignorance. Education is also the most powerful weapon we have against poverty, always.

Be always on your guard. This is not the quiet mostly peaceful world of yesterday. The media and technology have unleashed the Frankenstein of Mary Shelley’s most excellent and prophetic novel. Tolerance, freedom and liberty must always be accompanied by a very strong and intense dose of respect for others. Seek the truth.




castle in ruins

Religious choice is not an argument. Religion is not about rejecting. It is about accepting. I have seen and met many Christians and Muslims that are very devout and go to church, or pray five times a day. They all follow all the customs and traditions. Yet most of the time they treat other people like dirt.

Religion is a set of doctrines that outlines a belief system. In the end, even though religion does provide a crutch, and even though it does offer solace and charity to many around the world, it is also a major source of divisiveness, hatred and violence.

Religion is mostly a behavioral system. But you don’t need religion to abide by a valuable behavioral system. The most important behavioral values are as old as mankind and will continue to be valuable in perpetuity. They never change and they never diminish in importance, no matter what else is going on in the world.

The 12 Lakota Virtues are a very good example. Prayer is one more of the virtues. If you read these carefully, you will recognize how they are embedded in the parables and teachings of all other religions.

Religion is also a meditative philosophy. The Buddhists consider meditation a form of prayer. Christian, Muslim and Judaic prayers all strive to achieve a unity with God or a higher Divinity. Prayer is a powerful life force because it focuses energy on positive results. Which is also why unselfish prayer very often does work.

Judaism, Christianity and Islam are all based on the Old Testament Bible. Many of the core stories in the Old Testament Bible are based on Sumerian mythology. The Old Testament Bible was also based on the writing of at least 4 different authors, rewriting the work of other authors, and then edited and interpreted by more authors in the early Vatican. The New Testament and the Quran were both interpretations of oral or written perceptions both authored, well after the deaths of Christ and Mohammed. And then reinterpreted by the Vatican, or Imams and religious leaders over the centuries.

Ascribing to a religion is less important than ascribing to a behavioral code. Buddhism and Hinduism believe that what you do now will determine the position you will be in when you return to life on Earth. Judaism, Christianity and Islam all believe that what you do here on Earth will determine your salvation in ‘heaven’ or ‘paradise’ after death. They all employ either reincarnation, heaven, or paradise, to influence how to behave while here on Earth.

How you treat others every second of every day is more important than doctrines, churches, Mosques, Synagogues, heaven, the next life, or paradise. How you treat others every second of every day is more important than religion.

Several years ago an ancient manuscript was found in two different places that claimed to be the Gospel of Mary Magdalene. Although pieces of both manuscripts were missing, it revealed an amazing Truth. Mary Magdalene was very close to Christ and after Christ died she told the other Apostles that Christ had revealed to her a message that he had not revealed to the others.

Several of the Apostles did not at first believe her. It illustrates how women were often judged not equal to men in preaching the Word of the Gospel. This continued for generations, supported by the Catholic Church and up to this very day. But it also provides the most critical revelation. The importance of the teachings of Christ is not so much about the ‘resurrection’, nor is the primary importance about ‘eternal life and the abolition of original sin’. The most important revelation from the teachings of Christ is simply ‘to learn how to teach others how to teach enlightenment‘.

Religion is a personal journey. It is a personal revelation. Religion is enlightenment. Knowledge is enlightenment. Knowledge combined with wisdom is true enlightenment. Research all religions. Understand why they believe what they do. Show compassion for others and for their beliefs. Learn to develop a conscious dialog with the Divinity of existence. Treat other people with respect, kindness and compassion . . . always.

Learn to do these things and you will never need organized religion. Yet you will feel comfortable in any religious gathering, assembly, or structure you will ever visit.


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The Khawaarij (Kharijites) are one of the deviant sects, as is proven by the texts and by scholarly consensus. Al-Bukhaari and Muslim narrated that Yusayr ibn ‘Amr said: I said to Sahl ibn Hunayf: Did you hear the Prophet say anything about the Khawaarij? He said: I heard him say – and he gestured with his hand towards Iraq –: “From there will emerge people who recite the Qur’an, but it will not go past their collarbones. They will pass out of Islam as an arrow passes out of the prey.”

Ibn Maajah narrated that Ibn Abi Awfa said: The Messenger of Allah said: “The Khawaarij are the dogs of Hell.”

-from http://islamqa.info/en/182237

Where did such a violent ideology presumably based on a religion spring from?

Who Were The Kharijites?

Who exactly were the Kharijites? They were an early offshoot of Islam that developed during the civil war between the Prophet Muhammad’s cousin Ali and the governor of Damascus Mu’awiyah.

The Muslim state enjoyed relative stability under the caliphates of Abu Bakr and Umar ibn Al Khattab. During the caliphate of Uthman ibn Affan, the third Caliph, discord began to seep into the state. This discord ultimately resulted in the assassination of Uthman by renegades. A dispute, then, arose over the succession of Uthman: some supported Ali, the Prophet’s cousin, and others supported Mu’awiyah, the governor of Damascus and Uthman’s relative.

This dispute culminated in the Battle of Siffin in 657. The initial battle went against Mu’awiayh. When he directed his forces to place copies of the Qur’an on their lances, indicating their desire to submit to binding arbitration “based on the Qur’an,” the forces of Ali refused to fight. Once the terms of the arbitration were set, a group of Muslims objected to the whole principle of arbitration and rebelled against both Ali and Mu’awiyah. These were the Kharijites. They declared them infidels worthy of murder. Even though Ali defeated most of them at the Battle of Nahrawan in 658, a group survived and ultimately assassinated Ali in 661.

Kharijite belief is a form of radical fundamentalism. As noted in the Wikipedia entry, “They preached uncompromising adherence to the teachings of the Qur’an in defiance of corrupt authorities.” They also preached “absolute equality of the faithful” and maintained that “only the most pious should be caliph…even if he were an Abyssinian slave (the lowest social class of the era).” They spread their ideology violently, declaring anyone who does not believe as they do – even those who committed any major sins – as “infidels,” whose blood is allowed to be shed. They committed many atrocities against fellow Muslims, including the hacking to death of one of the governor’s of Ali and his pregnant wife.

The radical and violent extremists of today act very much like the Kharijites of old. They claim to commit their evil in the name of God and doing righteousness, just like the Kharijites of old. They believe that those who do not espouse their radical views as “infidels” worthy of death, just like the Kharijites of old. They have committed – and continue to commit – horrific acts of violence against fellow Muslims, just like the Kharijites of old.

Who were the Kharjites?

More on the History and Ideology of the Kawaareej: The Kawaareej and Their Renewed Ideology

The Deceptions of the Kawarij have been acknowledged by Muslim Scholars: 

On The Khawaarij and the Renewed Ideology

The Horn Of Satan

So how are the Khawarij connected to modern day terrorists? It is because their brutal and violent sect continues to this very day. They have evolved into a very powerful modern faction that also claims Islam as their religious base. This group is very powerful in Saudi Arabia and has been the driving force behind extremist terrorist activities in the Middle East, the United States and many other nations throughout the world for at least the past fifty years. They also have very wealthy financiers connected with oil profits in the Middle East and now also in other parts of the world. Who are these dogs of war?

They refer to themselves as the Wahhabi sect of Islam. Although in reality, many of their ideals and practices are far from traditional Islam. Like the Khawarij, they renounce Idolatry. So they have destroyed significant archaeological and Muslim historical sites on the Saudi peninsula over the years. Let me be clear. The entire Saudi government and people are not Wahabi. But the Wahabi sect has had siginificant influence on both the government and the people throughout their history. It is one of the reasons the country is so extreme in the control of peoples lives.

There are many examples of Wahabis extending their tentacles into sensitive areas of the world to increase their attempts at world domination. I don’t use that term lightly. I know it sounds like a script from the The Man From U.N.C.L.E or a James Bond chapter, but there is a significant truth to it. It has even been written that the Wahabi sect was originally created by the British to reinforce their power in the world.

One other fact is certain. And it answers the question of why radical sects claiming to be Muslim have taken such a strong foothold in the USA and especially strong in areas like Michigan. In the late 60’s and early 70’s, the wealthy oil-rich Saudi Wahabis strategically provided funding to establish Mosques to preach their radical form of religion throughout the USA starting in Chicago. Chicago at the time was the home of The Nation of Islam. And although The Nation of Islam had little to do with real Islam, a young prodigy named Malcom X was increasing their following by the thousands. This seemed a perfect seeding ground for the Wahabis.

And it was. They continued to seed Mosques throughout the USA and provided educational funding to young black ‘prospects’. I won’t make any connection to any current government leader in the USA, but the connections do exist, concealed away as they might be. Eventually Malcolm X made a trip to Mecca and realized some Muslims actually had blonde hair and blue eyes, and everybody got along just fine without the divisive practices so prevalent and endorsed in the USA. Malcolm decided to break with The Nation of Islam and their heretic leader, Louis Farrakhan. A few weeks later he was assassinated. I won’t make the connection, but others have done so quite convincingly.

But the Wahhabis continued to seed and preach their radical hate in Mosques they funded and built throughout the USA and later in England, France and other European nations. Eventually they spread the hate to other countries in Africa, Asia, and throughout the Middle East. But don’t take my word for it. Do the research yourself. Please keep in mind, not all Saudis are Wahabis and not all Wahabis are terrorists. But the ideology and it’s spread throughout the world has created an environment of hate and violence. This is not the peace and love of any religion we know of.

Here are a few links for further reading and research. I did some of the filtering for you as there is an abundance of some information and a scarcity of others.

The Wahabi and the Khawarij

Saudi Prince About Kingdom’s Muslim Brotherhood Movement: They Are The Khawarij Of This Age

U.S.-Saudi Oil Imports Fund American Mosques

Wahhabism and the First Amendment

A Good Article Explaining The Nation of Islam and Why It Is Not Islam

2005 Pamphlet on Saudi Hate Publications in US Mosques and Saudi Schools

The Struggle for Saudis to Erase Saudi Extremism –  The New York Times, November 2014

Terrorism: Growing Wahabi Influence In The United States – Senate Judiciary Committee – June 26, 2003

Letter to all Christians from Prophet Muhammad

New Link from Nov 19, 2015 Islamicity Magazine

A few definitions to understand from Wiki:





Finally, I conclude with an article on the importance and adherence to Wahabi philosophy within Daesh and an article on the Genghis Kahn tactics of Daesh. And a recent sobering article on why Daesh has initiated their own self-destruction.

Wahhabism to ISIS: how Saudi Arabia exported the main source of global terrorism

Article: What Do ISIS and Genghis Khan have in Common

Opinion: ISIS’s strategy remains seriously flawed – February 13, 2015

This last video, like some of the articles, has to be filtered. But the video does provide some very important insights on the inner workings of the intelligence community and the Jihad movement.

A Former Jihadist Exposes ISIS

I hope this essay has been productive for anyone seeking the answers. The better we understand the ideology we are fighting, the better we are prepared to educate on an ideology that not only conquers the evil, but also fortifies a much better worldview for everyone exploring or undecided. The only way to win the war is to win through ideology. Violence, hatred and the torture and killing of innocent people is wrong. This is an ideologic value that is thousands of years old. Much older than any distorted pseudo-religious and warped, man construed doctrine of ignorance. Those that survive the battlefield will be held accountable for their cruelty and callous disregard for human life. All of these are actions contrary to the teachings of Mohamed, Christ, Buddha, God and Allah.

(Revised link check February 2019)



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The History of Man – Part One

God has no preference between a man and a woman. They are both equal in the eyes of God. God has no preference between a Christian, a Jew, a Muslim and a Buddhist. They are all equal in the eyes of God as long as they respect the creation of God’s Nature. The laws of God are universal and timeless. The interpretations of God’s laws by men are often flawed and selfish. Prophets are good people because they interpret the laws of God to men in a fair and just way. And they are at times, both exalted and persecuted, because they dole out fairness and justice to all men equally. But not all men consider themselves equal to other men in their own eyes.

Religions have killed in the name of God for thousands of years. Even Atheism has killed millions. Religious conversion has often been forced at the end of the sword or the gun. The concept itself is contrary to religious dogma. To believe and have faith in God is a personal and voluntary decision. If religion has to be forced upon someone, it is no longer religion. It becomes politics. Politics is a dogmatic belief created by men to impose their own idealistic idiosyncrasies upon others.

Recently, we have been daunted by ‘terrorism’. Men have terrorized each other, also for thousands of years.  ‘Evolution’ is a gradual change over time. ‘Revolution’ is an abrupt social change forced by human political activity. It is important to differentiate between violent revolution and peaceful revolution. Peaceful revolution uses peaceful means to inspire dynamic change in a society. Jesus Christ, Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King were peaceful revolutionaries. They distinctly instructed their followers not to incite violence. Peaceful revolutions create long term change that develops firm roots within a social structure. They do so, because the social structure is mostly in agreement with the implemented changes.

Violent revolutions are short lived. Because similar to forcing religion upon someone, the ‘idealism’ will not be personal, nor will it be voluntary. So the political or religious facade will be discarded at the earliest opportune time. We have many examples of this in recent history. Two of the more significant instances is the failure of the Bolshevik Revolution with the fall of the USSR, and the failure of Mao’s Great Plan with the introduction of Capitalism in China.

A more recent example of a violent revolutionary that has killed millions is Castro’s crony Argentinian friend, Ernesto Guevara. His violent ideology and homicidal tactics continue to be idolized throughout the third world and in countries where some groups gravitate toward him as a ‘heroic’ figure. Heroic he is not. His actual claim to fame is as a mass murderer. His philosophy and early tactics soon inspired and activated other terrorist organizations to mimic and augment his callous violence toward humanity.

Targets were no longer strictly soldiers and warriors on the honorable battlefield. The days of respect among generals and for each others fallen soldiers ended with the bearded devil. And continues with other modern bearded demons. In many Muslim areas throughout the world, groups of fanatical and often violent individuals have incited the same senseless violence against innocent people. Without honor, without compassion and without tolerance, which are three of the most important foundations of all religions.

All of these groups have at least one thing in common. They all consider themselves devout followers of Islam. The truth is, they are all Islamic heretics, prostituting the cleanliness of Islam into a Satanic abomination of evil. They are the merciless. And they continue to taunt and kill the merciful.

Arrows Missing The Target – Part Two

Living in the Middle East I have met hundreds of Muslims from all over the world. Iraq, Iran, Jordan, Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Sudan, Somalia, Morocco, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, India, Bangladesh, the Philippines, Nepal, Sri Lanka, South Africa, Turkey, Armenia, Uzbekistan, and others. All of the people I have met are good people. They just want to work an honest job to feed their families. And be able to go to sleep safely to get up the next day and do it again.

Everyone I’ve spoken to wants the same exact thing. But there are those out there, as small a minority as they might be, that would prefer to force their ideals and their values on others through force. This is the evil in the world. And it is easy to recognize. Unless sometimes when the evil comes from the lips of a Rabbi or a Priest or an Imam. Their position as an intermediary to God, gives them undisputed credibility in the eyes of many people that are less than grounded in a solid foundation of belief.

So I had to understand WHY this happened. And that is when I started to research. Eventually I found three connections that completely explained the answers I was seeking. But they were not evident. They were not widely discussed or covered by the media. In fact, the opposite was true. The information was meticulously kept concealed. Finding the answers required sifting through volumes of misinformation and discovering carefully hidden historical facts.

    to be continued



First of all, until all religions around the world accept the equality of women to preach the word of God and Christ, we will remain in the dark. God is neither male nor female. God is nature and nature is God. Nature is abundant diversity. All of it is a reflection of the Divinity of God.

Sex development in humans is not always perfect. People do get caught in between. The greatest obstacle for people ‘born between’ is not their physical or biological bodies. The greatest obstacle to people ‘born between’ are self-righteous religious hypocrites. Their ‘moral’ judgement of people born with ‘natural’ variations in human development, lead people born between to live lives of isolation, depression or attempted suicide.

It is unfortunate that so many Theologians, Ministers of God and devout believers do not understand, or in some cases, do not even want to understand the science. All of these people ‘born between’ are children of God. They are brothers and sisters in Christ. It is the hypocrites of so-called religious devotion, that are the actual heathens. I was raised in private religious schools. And I will continue to devote my life to fight the hypocrisy and self-righteous moral evil of so many who believe that because they pray and attend a church, mosque, synagogue or temple, that they are above any other human on Earth. They are not.

I am working on a film on this topic. I have done the research. For those who gravitate toward the light, I hope you will visit our web site and support our film. For those who insist on remaining in the traditional darkness, I pray no one in your family or any of your relatives ever have to face the difficulties of so many on this Earth who have been ‘born between‘ through no fault of their own. http://www.bornbetween.com


I enjoy film, photography, poetry and music. I am an artist. I am also interconnected to everyone else on this planet. I have crossed paths with many people throughout my life. Those people have crossed paths with many others. We live in a woven fabric of connectivity, weaving denser every day of our lives. When most of the world is at peace, we are at peace. When most of the world is not, we are not. Violence always exists somewhere in the world. Often in many different places at the same time. The world is that large. Humans are that flawed. When there is extreme violence going on in some part of the world, and we are made aware of it by the many strands of information we are connected to, many of us are compassionately moved to stop it in any way we can. No, not everyone feels that way. Nor do they act beyond their own survival requirements. But some of us are inspired and conscientiously forced to act.

My personal method is to enlighten through film, photography, poetry or writing. In the past few weeks I have been at a crossroads once again. I am painfully torn apart by extreme merciless violence in parts of the world. I am also hurt and torn by people who prefer to target a group of people for the crimes of certain individuals within the group of people.

So I have taken on the responsibility of enlightening as many people around the world as I can possibly reach, with all of my strands of connectivity. The most noble purpose in this life is to teach others how to teach enlightenment. I will teach ‘differentiation’. Differentiation is the skill of being able to analyse and process the perceptive difference between two or more things which otherwise seem to be similar. I will begin with a topic I have been most ardently involved with for the past month. I will continue as time moves on with topics in need of evaluation and reassessment. In the end, our goal is to explore new ways of improving the lives of everyone. And reducing or eliminating those things that attempt to block us from achieving that goal. The first ‘differentiation’ I will explore is ‘the merciful and the merciless‘. Please feel free to reblog or repost any of the essays. Courteously include author credit. 1-004-14SEY28 MK0018



sunset pic jan 2013



Abu Dhabi Tour 12-9-11 929


A pagan killed a Jew
A pagan killed a Christian
A Jew killed a Christian
A Christian killed a Jew
A Muslim killed a Christian
A Jew killed a Muslim
A Muslim killed a Jew
A Christian killed a Muslim
They all bowed to pray
to the same ignorant God
with deaf ears
and a passion for killing.
Dear God forgive them.




DECEMBER 25th is a day created by Wall Street to create prophets. 🙂

All kidding aside, God is anything that is greater than you are. God is also anything smaller than you are.

Call it God, or call it Nature or call it Spirit. There is always a power out there that will always be greater than man can ever hope to be.

Therefore there is no such thing as atheism. Even the self-professed atheist believes in something supreme . . . be it football games, beer or themselves. The bible (both the old and new) and the Quran were written by MEN. And while you will still find Truths in all of the good books, and you will also find paths toward ancient traditional values (respect, honesty, love, compassion, honor, humility, etc., as relevant today as they were when the Greeks wrote about them), and you will find guidance toward enlightenment (knowledge, spirituality) . . . they are still ALL interpretations written by MEN. They will always be biased toward men and against women. And they are also susceptible to half truths told by men while supposedly under the guidance of God (which may be true in some cases), but at other times they may just as well have been under the guidance and influence of drugs, starvation, or delusion.

There are a very small few that teach enlightenment without bias toward any one religion or belief. These are the ‘true prophets’. There are those that refuse to acknowledge any other way except for their own. These include Christians, Muslims and Jews. These are religious dogmatists that mostly serve no one but themselves and their selfish egos and desires. Then there are those that are lost and do not know what to believe.

This is exactly why our modern world is so screwed up. All of the religious dogmatists argue over whose gods and whose profits are supreme. Pissing on each other over righteousness. They forget the one most important pinnacle of all religions. It does not matter what you believe, or where you’ve been, or where you’re going (heaven or hell), or if you know Christ or Yahweh or Mohamed, or not. The only important thing in this life is how you treat others RIGHT HERE AND RIGHT NOW. Even if you live in the deepest jungles of Africa, or in the most remote villages of the Outback, and have never heard of the white mans gods . . .  if you live your live as a good person, whatever lies beyond this life, you deserve to be in the paradise place.

For hose who understand this. Keep the faith. Keep spreading the good word and teaching how to teach enlightenment. For the rest of you . . . get over your holy selves.

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