Rants. raves and ramblings from celestial circles . . .

Posts tagged ‘environment’



I herald the trumpets

vibrating hills

tremble on mountains

rushing rivers and churning the seas

there is a better way

you don’t have to suffer

you don’t have to kill each other

then all i hear is silence

silence can be loud

silent can kill

rumbling herds of elephants echo from all directions

grasslands and valleys

they blow their trumpets for every ear to hear at any distance

each note loud


angels and demons and wizards gather

I summoned the drummers

the trumpets keep coming

nothing to stop them

suddenly the sound of an

electric guitar

then all i hear is silence

silence can kill

there is a better way



Rainbow Recycling – The colors of nature make it easier to recycle

I found another location utilizing Rainbow Recycling. Rainbow Recycling is simply color coded recycling bins to reflect the product being recycled. Here’s more about the campaign: Rainbow Recycling

This is actually in Masdar City in the UAE. It is a project of a living renewable community. I am happy to see they are color coding their recycling bins using common sense color coding.

Here again if they add a Yellow container to separate the glass from the metal, then they have a complete Rainbow Recycling set up. It’s easy to distinguish and easier to separate. Now how hard can that be? If all bins followed the color codes, their would be no confusion.

The Rainbow Recycling Campaign

I finally found a location that utilizes Rainbow Recycling. Rainbow Recycling is simply color coded recycling bins to reflect the product being recycled. Here’s more about the campaign: Rainbow Recycling

And here is an excellent example of Rainbow Recycling in action. Kudos to the RAK waste management team!

Now all they have to do is add a Yellow container to separate the glass from the metal and they have a complete Rainbow Recycling set up. It’s easy to distinguish and easier to separate. Now how hard can that be? If all bins followed the color codes their would be no confusion.

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