Rants. raves and ramblings from celestial circles . . .

Posts tagged ‘muslim’





I have been living mostly in the Middle East for the past five years. My home and family are in the USA. I calmly listen to the mostly uninformed opinions, both right and left, of my friends and family back home. I post my responses and my tidbits of personal experience and insight for them on social media. Their experience of the world is CNN, Fox, MSNBC, the mainstream outlets or NPR and PBS. A few of them may have ventured on vacation to a resort in Mexico or the Caribbean, and even fewer may have ever been to Europe or another country outside of North America.

There is ignorance and hate across the Middle East. Just as there is ignorance and hatred in parts of Africa, Asia, Europe, the Balkans, South America, Central America and North America, including the USA. There are groups of extremists in almost all Muslim countries. Some governments are much stricter than others. There are other Muslims that aren’t violent extremists. But they do accept what I consider to be the ignorant and superstitious Islamic beliefs that condone violence against others, including women and children and members of their own families.

I consider any Muslim that still believes in the extreme forms of punishment, or the disrespect of the rights of women and children, to be an accomplice to an ignorant abomination . . . of any religion. And actually, it is no religion at all. It is not a religion or belief system that the God I know would approve of. There are many more millions of Muslims you never hear about. They are the ones that live in the peaceful areas of many countries and they live their lives much like you and I. Without all the extreme idiocy the media is so quick to focus on. They work hard day in and day out to feed and clothe their families. And to provide a safe roof over their heads so their children can do the same for their own families someday.

Yet, we must never stop reporting on the ignorance and hatred, including the ignorance and hatred of extremist Muslims in Europe, America and other predominantly non-Muslim countries. They have to be called out every day. Most important, other Muslims need to raise their voices and communicate to the ignorant and superstitious Muslims, that Islam needs to live peacefully with all the other religions of this Earth. This must be the priority, the goal and the destiny of the religion. As it always should be.

At the same time, Western leaders should never deny the fact that there are violent Muslims and also other Muslim extremists that are a constant danger to all of the rest of the world. They must understand that when Islamic communities are isolated within Western countries and allowed to do whatever they want, there will be hatred, extremism and violence. You can not throw two radically different culturally, economically and religious groups together and expect them to peacefully integrate within a single decade. This productive peaceful integration will often take decades and in some historical cases throughout the world, centuries. Education is always the most powerful weapon we have against ignorance. Education is also the most powerful weapon we have against poverty, always.

Be always on your guard. This is not the quiet mostly peaceful world of yesterday. The media and technology have unleashed the Frankenstein of Mary Shelley’s most excellent and prophetic novel. Tolerance, freedom and liberty must always be accompanied by a very strong and intense dose of respect for others. Seek the truth.


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The History of Man – Part One

God has no preference between a man and a woman. They are both equal in the eyes of God. God has no preference between a Christian, a Jew, a Muslim and a Buddhist. They are all equal in the eyes of God as long as they respect the creation of God’s Nature. The laws of God are universal and timeless. The interpretations of God’s laws by men are often flawed and selfish. Prophets are good people because they interpret the laws of God to men in a fair and just way. And they are at times, both exalted and persecuted, because they dole out fairness and justice to all men equally. But not all men consider themselves equal to other men in their own eyes.

Religions have killed in the name of God for thousands of years. Even Atheism has killed millions. Religious conversion has often been forced at the end of the sword or the gun. The concept itself is contrary to religious dogma. To believe and have faith in God is a personal and voluntary decision. If religion has to be forced upon someone, it is no longer religion. It becomes politics. Politics is a dogmatic belief created by men to impose their own idealistic idiosyncrasies upon others.

Recently, we have been daunted by ‘terrorism’. Men have terrorized each other, also for thousands of years.  ‘Evolution’ is a gradual change over time. ‘Revolution’ is an abrupt social change forced by human political activity. It is important to differentiate between violent revolution and peaceful revolution. Peaceful revolution uses peaceful means to inspire dynamic change in a society. Jesus Christ, Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King were peaceful revolutionaries. They distinctly instructed their followers not to incite violence. Peaceful revolutions create long term change that develops firm roots within a social structure. They do so, because the social structure is mostly in agreement with the implemented changes.

Violent revolutions are short lived. Because similar to forcing religion upon someone, the ‘idealism’ will not be personal, nor will it be voluntary. So the political or religious facade will be discarded at the earliest opportune time. We have many examples of this in recent history. Two of the more significant instances is the failure of the Bolshevik Revolution with the fall of the USSR, and the failure of Mao’s Great Plan with the introduction of Capitalism in China.

A more recent example of a violent revolutionary that has killed millions is Castro’s crony Argentinian friend, Ernesto Guevara. His violent ideology and homicidal tactics continue to be idolized throughout the third world and in countries where some groups gravitate toward him as a ‘heroic’ figure. Heroic he is not. His actual claim to fame is as a mass murderer. His philosophy and early tactics soon inspired and activated other terrorist organizations to mimic and augment his callous violence toward humanity.

Targets were no longer strictly soldiers and warriors on the honorable battlefield. The days of respect among generals and for each others fallen soldiers ended with the bearded devil. And continues with other modern bearded demons. In many Muslim areas throughout the world, groups of fanatical and often violent individuals have incited the same senseless violence against innocent people. Without honor, without compassion and without tolerance, which are three of the most important foundations of all religions.

All of these groups have at least one thing in common. They all consider themselves devout followers of Islam. The truth is, they are all Islamic heretics, prostituting the cleanliness of Islam into a Satanic abomination of evil. They are the merciless. And they continue to taunt and kill the merciful.

Arrows Missing The Target – Part Two

Living in the Middle East I have met hundreds of Muslims from all over the world. Iraq, Iran, Jordan, Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Sudan, Somalia, Morocco, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, India, Bangladesh, the Philippines, Nepal, Sri Lanka, South Africa, Turkey, Armenia, Uzbekistan, and others. All of the people I have met are good people. They just want to work an honest job to feed their families. And be able to go to sleep safely to get up the next day and do it again.

Everyone I’ve spoken to wants the same exact thing. But there are those out there, as small a minority as they might be, that would prefer to force their ideals and their values on others through force. This is the evil in the world. And it is easy to recognize. Unless sometimes when the evil comes from the lips of a Rabbi or a Priest or an Imam. Their position as an intermediary to God, gives them undisputed credibility in the eyes of many people that are less than grounded in a solid foundation of belief.

So I had to understand WHY this happened. And that is when I started to research. Eventually I found three connections that completely explained the answers I was seeking. But they were not evident. They were not widely discussed or covered by the media. In fact, the opposite was true. The information was meticulously kept concealed. Finding the answers required sifting through volumes of misinformation and discovering carefully hidden historical facts.

    to be continued


A pagan killed a Jew
A pagan killed a Christian
A Jew killed a Christian
A Christian killed a Jew
A Muslim killed a Christian
A Jew killed a Muslim
A Muslim killed a Jew
A Christian killed a Muslim
They all bowed to pray
to the same ignorant God
with deaf ears
and a passion for killing.
Dear God forgive them.


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