Rants. raves and ramblings from celestial circles . . .

Posts tagged ‘christian’


Sky Halo July 2016 Sophia


BLM (Black Lives Matter) is a case study in irony. While they promote their cause that black lives matter, they also seem to endorse the fact that white lives do not. A hateful and certainly racist opinion, no doubt.

I cannot (and do not) believe that the majority of intelligent black Americans believe in this violent hatred. I give them much more credit than all of the current stupidity and idiocy. I do recognize the fact that there is a significant minority of vengeful black racists that insist on violent civil disobedience and on fueling the fires of hatred. In effect, promoting killing and death.

And I do very much feel that Barack Obama has further fueled the hatred instead of endorsing unity and peace, as many truly believed he would. Despite what any of my friends may think or feel (or anyone else) – – – he is a failure. He had the opportunity to unite and heal. Instead he chose to further promote exclusivity, elitism, segregating protectionist legislation, divisiveness and hatred. It is a direct reflection of his lack of character and continued incompetence.

The reality for all of us is that BLM and any other groups promoting such hatred are no different than the Ku Klux Klan, or foreign terrorist organizations. War is easy to incite. Just about anyone can do it. Peace, on the other hand, is a cause that has to be worked on every single day. It is an arduous and often long term process with miraculous results.

I applaud all of my friends and celebrities such as Ringo Starr that are promoting peace. But unfortunately, in order to have peace you must FIGHT hatred. Promoting peace and love is all good and well, but without fighting ignorance, hatred and violence it means nothing.

God Bless and guide with strength the families of those brave American heroes that died in the line of duty protecting our freedoms and our rights to live peacefully. And have mercy on the family of the misguided young man that committed the barbarous acts of evil, under the guise of hateful groups and individuals such as Black Lives Matter.



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The History of Man – Part One

God has no preference between a man and a woman. They are both equal in the eyes of God. God has no preference between a Christian, a Jew, a Muslim and a Buddhist. They are all equal in the eyes of God as long as they respect the creation of God’s Nature. The laws of God are universal and timeless. The interpretations of God’s laws by men are often flawed and selfish. Prophets are good people because they interpret the laws of God to men in a fair and just way. And they are at times, both exalted and persecuted, because they dole out fairness and justice to all men equally. But not all men consider themselves equal to other men in their own eyes.

Religions have killed in the name of God for thousands of years. Even Atheism has killed millions. Religious conversion has often been forced at the end of the sword or the gun. The concept itself is contrary to religious dogma. To believe and have faith in God is a personal and voluntary decision. If religion has to be forced upon someone, it is no longer religion. It becomes politics. Politics is a dogmatic belief created by men to impose their own idealistic idiosyncrasies upon others.

Recently, we have been daunted by ‘terrorism’. Men have terrorized each other, also for thousands of years.  ‘Evolution’ is a gradual change over time. ‘Revolution’ is an abrupt social change forced by human political activity. It is important to differentiate between violent revolution and peaceful revolution. Peaceful revolution uses peaceful means to inspire dynamic change in a society. Jesus Christ, Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King were peaceful revolutionaries. They distinctly instructed their followers not to incite violence. Peaceful revolutions create long term change that develops firm roots within a social structure. They do so, because the social structure is mostly in agreement with the implemented changes.

Violent revolutions are short lived. Because similar to forcing religion upon someone, the ‘idealism’ will not be personal, nor will it be voluntary. So the political or religious facade will be discarded at the earliest opportune time. We have many examples of this in recent history. Two of the more significant instances is the failure of the Bolshevik Revolution with the fall of the USSR, and the failure of Mao’s Great Plan with the introduction of Capitalism in China.

A more recent example of a violent revolutionary that has killed millions is Castro’s crony Argentinian friend, Ernesto Guevara. His violent ideology and homicidal tactics continue to be idolized throughout the third world and in countries where some groups gravitate toward him as a ‘heroic’ figure. Heroic he is not. His actual claim to fame is as a mass murderer. His philosophy and early tactics soon inspired and activated other terrorist organizations to mimic and augment his callous violence toward humanity.

Targets were no longer strictly soldiers and warriors on the honorable battlefield. The days of respect among generals and for each others fallen soldiers ended with the bearded devil. And continues with other modern bearded demons. In many Muslim areas throughout the world, groups of fanatical and often violent individuals have incited the same senseless violence against innocent people. Without honor, without compassion and without tolerance, which are three of the most important foundations of all religions.

All of these groups have at least one thing in common. They all consider themselves devout followers of Islam. The truth is, they are all Islamic heretics, prostituting the cleanliness of Islam into a Satanic abomination of evil. They are the merciless. And they continue to taunt and kill the merciful.

Arrows Missing The Target – Part Two

Living in the Middle East I have met hundreds of Muslims from all over the world. Iraq, Iran, Jordan, Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Sudan, Somalia, Morocco, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, India, Bangladesh, the Philippines, Nepal, Sri Lanka, South Africa, Turkey, Armenia, Uzbekistan, and others. All of the people I have met are good people. They just want to work an honest job to feed their families. And be able to go to sleep safely to get up the next day and do it again.

Everyone I’ve spoken to wants the same exact thing. But there are those out there, as small a minority as they might be, that would prefer to force their ideals and their values on others through force. This is the evil in the world. And it is easy to recognize. Unless sometimes when the evil comes from the lips of a Rabbi or a Priest or an Imam. Their position as an intermediary to God, gives them undisputed credibility in the eyes of many people that are less than grounded in a solid foundation of belief.

So I had to understand WHY this happened. And that is when I started to research. Eventually I found three connections that completely explained the answers I was seeking. But they were not evident. They were not widely discussed or covered by the media. In fact, the opposite was true. The information was meticulously kept concealed. Finding the answers required sifting through volumes of misinformation and discovering carefully hidden historical facts.

    to be continued



First of all, until all religions around the world accept the equality of women to preach the word of God and Christ, we will remain in the dark. God is neither male nor female. God is nature and nature is God. Nature is abundant diversity. All of it is a reflection of the Divinity of God.

Sex development in humans is not always perfect. People do get caught in between. The greatest obstacle for people ‘born between’ is not their physical or biological bodies. The greatest obstacle to people ‘born between’ are self-righteous religious hypocrites. Their ‘moral’ judgement of people born with ‘natural’ variations in human development, lead people born between to live lives of isolation, depression or attempted suicide.

It is unfortunate that so many Theologians, Ministers of God and devout believers do not understand, or in some cases, do not even want to understand the science. All of these people ‘born between’ are children of God. They are brothers and sisters in Christ. It is the hypocrites of so-called religious devotion, that are the actual heathens. I was raised in private religious schools. And I will continue to devote my life to fight the hypocrisy and self-righteous moral evil of so many who believe that because they pray and attend a church, mosque, synagogue or temple, that they are above any other human on Earth. They are not.

I am working on a film on this topic. I have done the research. For those who gravitate toward the light, I hope you will visit our web site and support our film. For those who insist on remaining in the traditional darkness, I pray no one in your family or any of your relatives ever have to face the difficulties of so many on this Earth who have been ‘born between‘ through no fault of their own. http://www.bornbetween.com



DECEMBER 25th is a day created by Wall Street to create prophets. 🙂

All kidding aside, God is anything that is greater than you are. God is also anything smaller than you are.

Call it God, or call it Nature or call it Spirit. There is always a power out there that will always be greater than man can ever hope to be.

Therefore there is no such thing as atheism. Even the self-professed atheist believes in something supreme . . . be it football games, beer or themselves. The bible (both the old and new) and the Quran were written by MEN. And while you will still find Truths in all of the good books, and you will also find paths toward ancient traditional values (respect, honesty, love, compassion, honor, humility, etc., as relevant today as they were when the Greeks wrote about them), and you will find guidance toward enlightenment (knowledge, spirituality) . . . they are still ALL interpretations written by MEN. They will always be biased toward men and against women. And they are also susceptible to half truths told by men while supposedly under the guidance of God (which may be true in some cases), but at other times they may just as well have been under the guidance and influence of drugs, starvation, or delusion.

There are a very small few that teach enlightenment without bias toward any one religion or belief. These are the ‘true prophets’. There are those that refuse to acknowledge any other way except for their own. These include Christians, Muslims and Jews. These are religious dogmatists that mostly serve no one but themselves and their selfish egos and desires. Then there are those that are lost and do not know what to believe.

This is exactly why our modern world is so screwed up. All of the religious dogmatists argue over whose gods and whose profits are supreme. Pissing on each other over righteousness. They forget the one most important pinnacle of all religions. It does not matter what you believe, or where you’ve been, or where you’re going (heaven or hell), or if you know Christ or Yahweh or Mohamed, or not. The only important thing in this life is how you treat others RIGHT HERE AND RIGHT NOW. Even if you live in the deepest jungles of Africa, or in the most remote villages of the Outback, and have never heard of the white mans gods . . .  if you live your live as a good person, whatever lies beyond this life, you deserve to be in the paradise place.

For hose who understand this. Keep the faith. Keep spreading the good word and teaching how to teach enlightenment. For the rest of you . . . get over your holy selves.

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