Rants. raves and ramblings from celestial circles . . .

Archive for October, 2019




you get to a point where you know you are about to die
you’ve killed, maimed, wounded or imprisoned all the villains you possibly can
you’ve put away all the trophies and collectibles
your library has no more room
your body has no more athleticism
your mind has no more expansion
your hand can no longer write or type the critical life saving enlightenment

you have no more anything
you’ve given away or discarded everything you had left
your bountiful wardrobe closet is now empty
your many hats have been gifted
your jewels have been distributed to your heirs

you have nothing
no muscle car, no monster truck, no eco go cart
no bike or bicycle or boat
no mansion, no party beach house, no lake house with a boat shed

everything is gone
it is you, and you alone
you are free

you are not lonely because you never were
you had love
you still do

time for the final scenes
the final curtain call
the final edits
It is time to roll the credits
you were a big star
you still are

now you are wrapping up to die.



fjl 10 1 19

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