Rants. raves and ramblings from celestial circles . . .

Posts tagged ‘corporation’s’



Education First. Education should be first and foremost priority for any struggling nation or third world country. In fact, it should be the first and foremost priority for any country. Few leaders in the world actually understand this. They prefer to focus on economics, roads, infrastructure, agriculture, development or international investments.

Education FIRST is the precursor of success for all other priorities. Education leads to the knowledge required to manage and provide health care. The second most important priority. Education provides the knowledge to explore more effective and efficient agricultural productivity. Education opens opportunities to build and design infrastructure. Education leads to economic knowledge of banking and investments to further advance a nation.

Current educational ‘systems’ focus on a herd mentality. They are inept to foster creative independent thinkers, critical for a productive society or company. Education should always be focused toward individuality. Every child learns at different speeds. Every child has strengths and weaknesses. Every child has an area of knowledge or talent they are more passionate about than all others.

We need to focus on nurturing those strengths and passions in each and every child. Giving them the tools and resources to develop their skills and talents within the fields they love. And assisiting them to develop a minimal understanding of the subjects they may not be quite as passionate about.

It is the responsibility of business and industry to assure this happens. To support and promote early education even if the student is not an immediate prospect for their business or industry. Our youth is our future. Always.


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